Many thanks–more than I can count–to my friend TH, who made it possible (back when) and mostly painless for me to finally claim my small space in this InterEther. She got me started, and now it’s up to me to make something out of that humble start.
Getting a blog or website up and running is probably not unlike starting a painting; it’s a blank canvas. For most, that’s such a shopworn metaphor. But a painter owns it; for a painter, it’s not a metaphor for creative activity, it’s a metaphor for life. To a painter, a blank canvas is a very real challenge, a concrete, tangible, sometimes paralyzing, sometimes mocking, challenge: “What do you really know?” It’s particularly pointed, particularly acute, after a spell when the Muse has been locked away, on vacation, or out galavanting around with some other fortunate (at the time) scoundrel. The blank canvas to a painter is a fundamental place, a fundamental challenge; it’s the crossroads between imagining and materializing. For the abstract painter, the possible starting points, the choices, present simultaneous infinities, and they all coalesce in the one thing, the start, the first mark.
Very good chance that many of the infinite choices will materialize in the course of making the painting, and many may sruvive. And an equally good chance that the initial mark, where all the possibilities came into an instant in a single mark, will soon be lost.
My intent for this space is simply to show some of my paintings; to show places where I have been awestruck; show photographs that are fun to look at, which order the world; and share thoughts, if I’m on, that draw things together. I don’t intend to claim or declaim, but rather to show. The important thing is for the artifacts of various journeys to speak for themselves. This site should be an artifact; I do not intend for this site to sap strength from my Muse … she can barely afford it. After dedicating close to 30 years to making a living and leaving the Muse to fend for herself, I’m nearing the point where I will be courting her again. I will report here if she is still interested in any sort of friendship.