Welcome to J.Weber, Painter. This website is to display some of my paintings, drawings, and photographs … artifacts from a visceral urge to create, to make a mark, to engage and draw from within. Artifacts from a courtship of sorts.
There are three main pathways here, one for each medium. Browse as you will, and feel free to post a comment. Of course, I review and curate comments.
Go to the Photographs (Or don’t bother … yet! I have a self-portrait there, but uploading photographs isn’t a priority yet. I know: False promises, right?)
And take time to stroll through the links to web resources about the many sources of creative inspiration–artists in a range of mediums by whose work I have been awed or inspired since an awareness of art, beauty, and the interior life dawned in me.
To supplement the galleries, occasionally I will post thoughts about painting itself, about my painting, or about the challenge of making a work that draws a viewer to take time to engage the work. While my immediate intent is to lay down and develop an image that ‘fits’ my visceral assessment, my broader purpose is to present an object that a viewer will engage, enjoy, and discover conclusions about their own self.
Clearly–at least to me–abstract mark-making invariably records something about the mark-maker’s psyche, even when such revelation is not his or her primary intent. How could it not? So these things are like self-portraits. However, it is not my principal intent to present an image of my feelings.
In making my drawings and paintings, my primary purpose is to dialogue with the work itself. This is a process of marking, shaping, discovery, erasure, assessment, and ongoing revision to arrive at an image that satisfies both my gut and my assessment that viewers will be willing to engage the thing, and maybe even recognize it as their own private landscape or word-view.
So take a look, take a second look even, and engage!